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Rich Ita

Early Career and Training

Rich Ita is a trumpet and cornet player as well as an enthusiastic collector. In 1971, he embarked on his apprenticeship as a brass instrument repair technician at ATEC Music Service, located in the suburbs of Washington, DC. During this time, he worked closely with experienced military band repairmen such as Conrad Brown, Ed Simmons, and Art Accardo. The shop was involved in an effort by the Smithsonian Institute to put together a Civil War period band for recording purposes, which sparked Rich's fascination with 19th-century brass instruments.

Move to Atlanta

A move in 1990 to the warmer climate of Atlanta brought Rich to an area starved for experienced repairmen. After six years at the area's largest retail music store, Ken Stanton Music, he opened his own shop - the Brass Instrument Workshop - and suddenly found himself hanging on for dear life and loving every minute of it! Despite the challenges, Rich found fulfillment in his work and expressed gratitude to the brass musicians who trusted him with their instruments.

Professional Experience in

After a four-year stint in the Army as a trumpet player, Rich accepted a job at the Schilke factory in Chicago, where he worked for several years until Mr. Schilke's death. He then freelanced as a repairman in the Chicago area, doing work for Nappe Music House and Evanston Band & Orchestra. Rich gained experience in the re-creation of Baroque instruments in the shop of Ron Collier, making reproductions of natural trumpets and Sacbutts and doing other historical restoration work.

Gratitude & Acknowledgement

Rich would like to sincerely thank all of the wonderfully talented brass musicians who have placed their trust in his skills and have given him the opportunity to do the work he truly loves - making their prized instruments perform and look their best.

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Shop Hours

  • Tuesday - Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Sunday - Monday: Closed